
Boat Yard, Camikebir, Kusadasi, Turkey

Boat Yard Camikebir Kusadasi Turkey

Kusadisi, Turkey, 15" x 11"

Quite a complex scene to paint this one.  A busy boatyard with some challenges to get the composition right and so many things going on as regards materials, ropes, objects, different boats and so on.  Anyway, thought the framing left and right helped, maybe the red boat in the middle is a little too large.

Painted on Saunders Waterford, Cold Press, 300 gms


Green Street, Bursa, Turkey


Bursa, Turkey, 22" x 15".

Yesil Caddesi Bursa, or 'green street' in English, high up on the southern slopes rising above downtown Bursa.  It certainly is green and very peaceful away from the hustle and bustle of Turkey's fourth largest metropolis, and the area is better known for the location of the tomb of Sultan Mehmet the 1st and his smaller children.  I moved some of the street 'furniture' around to suit the composition, e.g. trying not to make that big lamppost dead centre.