Bristol Waterfront Plein Air 2019 #1
Plein air painting with the Exiles - May 2019 #3

Plein air#2 - painting with the Exiles down on Bristol Harbourside

Exiles plein air may 2019 bristol waterfront 2

Bristol Harbourside, Watercolour, 15" x 11"

Second painting on a recent plein air trip with my painting group, the Exiles.  The sun came out late morning, but the wind was still too strong out in exposed places. So I tucked in behind the Mud Dock Cafe building and just painted what was in front of me - the quayside, tops of boats and some apartments on the other side of the harbour as a backdrop.

Painted on Saunders Waterford, Cold Press, 300 gms.

#watercolour #StcMill #watercolorpainting

This painting is for sale. Please contact Tim Wilmot for details.


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